Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Special Stage Drops, Week 5 - END

To give you a sense of how to pass the first tower and maintain the gap between lowbies and splashers, here are some videos of me farming IT6: 

Note: You don't need this exact ranger lineup to pass. I used to use Biker Gang Xan before replacing him with Luxury Sheep. Mach Brown can be replaced by another lowbie. Red Hood Cony can probably be replaced by a second KSM. The general rule is that the weaker your splashers are, the better your timing needs to be. Of the ability users, Black Moon is the most important one to have.

ME6: RP1
GD5: RP1 Xan
GD6: RP1
IT5: Sindy
IT6: Leonard6 Renee
Adjustments: Replaced Mach Brown (M) with Boxing Scott (M)

Comments: Finally mastered my first Renee! Her stats are pretty amazing:

Didn't get a chance to see her cool down time though, since I immediately evolved her into Power Girl Renee. I also mastered Robin Sindy, he's now a rocket-shooting Explorer Sindy :).

GD6: RP2

Comments: Boxing Scott is a much better staller than Mach Brown. Even though Mach is much faster, he's extremely fragile and always dies in one hit, whereas Scott has invincibility to save him. After adding in Scott, my team has been able to take the first three or four towers in IT6 before invincibility even wears off - before, I could only take the first two.

ME5: RP1
GD5: RP1 Xan
GD6: RP1
IT5: RP1
IT6: RP1

GD6: RP1
IT5: RP1
IT6: RP2

I'll be cutting this week of farming short, as I've decided to quit LR. I've been playing since last June and while it's been super fun, I don't have the time, energy, or interest to continue playing the game. I hope that you found these four and a half weeks worth of records helpful - good luck and have fun both in LR and RL :)!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Special Stage Drops, Week 4

I'm going to start using shorthand for ranger names and items instead of fully writing out their names and star grades. Scroll down for team stats.

N: No notable rewards
X: Did not farm
Brown: Trainee Brown
LuCo: Lucifer Cony
Clara: Red Hood Clara
James: Master James
MM: Masked Moon
ReRe: Reckless Girl Renee
Sindy: Robin Sindy
RX: Rocker Xan
Max4, Max5, Max6: Max Level Ups
RP#: Rangers Potion, # is how many I obtained

ME5: N
ME6: RP2
GD5: N
GD6: N
IT5: Sindy
IT6: N

ME5: N
ME6: N
GD5: N
GD6: RP2
IT5: RP2
IT6: ReRe

ME5: N
ME6: James
GD5: N
GD6: RP2
IT5: N
IT6: RP2
ME5: Clara x2
ME6: James
GD5: N
GD6: Brown
IT5: Sindy, RP1
IT6: N
ME5: RP1, Clara
ME6: N
GD5: N
GD6: RP1
IT5: N
IT6: RP1

ME5: Clara
ME6: N
GD5: N
GD6: N
IT5: RP1, Sindy x2
IT6: N

ME5: N
ME6: RP1
GD5: Xan, RP1
GD6: RP1
IT5: Sindy
IT6: ReRe, RP1

Here are the stats of the rangers I use to farm the hardest special stages, in case anyone wants to emulate my farming strategy. Be warned, I wrote most of the ranger descriptions during an episode of extreme sleep deprivation. 
The A Team:

Fashionist Bella, a stylish and headstrong reindeer. Her ability to temporarily make herself invincible makes her a critical member of the team.

Glenn, a five-star ranger who lost his powers because he forgot his armor at home. Come on Glenn, you should know that clothing is power in this game! Even the villains know that. Anyways, Glenn's pretty much the fastest ranger in the game and holds the front line well.

Vagabond Brown, a wandering bear who knows all kinds of martial arts but always uses the same attack. It works every single time. He's a meaty tank who can give and take a lot of hurt, and is thus very useful for the difficult special stages.

Red Hood Clara, a genius magician with a PhD in Chemistry. She hits extremely hard: if my calculations are correct, she deals 7.5 million per attack without her ability and over 22 million when her ability is active at Super Master level, making her the most powerful ranger in my team and either the third or second best splasher in the game. I'm assuming the enemies in IT6 have like 100-200 million HP each, since she can't one-hit kill most of them.

Red Hood Cony, a trained assassin who turns oversized apples into deadly weapons. She is an excellent choice especially for those who missed Halloween Cony.

The B Team:

Black Moon, a egotistical jerk whose main talent is making his teammates extremely angry.

Carol Edward, a cute little caterpillar who hits like a train but is somehow still slower than a running hippo despite being the only Ranger who uses a vehicle. Design-wise, he's one of my favorite rangers and the second gacha Ranger I've mastered.

KSM, a former house husband whose telepathy only works when he makes funny faces.

Pink Cony, a stylish demon who claims to be cursing her enemies with magic, but is actually just throwing things at them to give them awful concussions. 

Biker Gang Xan, a cool guy who tries too hard to be evil.


Sally, a tomboyish chick and rocket scientist who was imprisoned by Dr. Mephisto for almost a year despite having mind control powers and the ability to teleport herself.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Special Stage Drops, Week 3

Note: Since I have a limited amount of feathers and gaming time, I changed my special stage farming routine to only stages 5-6 for each planet.
IT: Reckless Girl Renee (6 Star)*

IT: Rangers Potion, Robin Sindy (5 Star)
GD: Rangers Potion x2
ME: Dark Mage Clara (5 Star)

ME: Rangers Potion
GD: Rangers Potion, Trainee Brown (6 Star)
IT: Reckless Girl Renee (6 Star), Robin Sindy (5 Star)

IT: Rangers Potion x2
GD: Trainee Brown (6 Star)
ME: Rangers Potion

IT: Rangers Potion x4
GD: Rangers Potion 
ME: Lucifer Cony

IT: Rangers Potion*

IT: Max Level Up (6 Star), Rangers Potion x2
GD: Rangers Potion
ME: Rangers Potion x2

*Had fewer than five wins
**Farmed stage 4

Farming Tips: For IT6, I used the following team for 5/5 wins:
A: Red Hood Cony (70) & Clara (80), Vagabond Brown (105), Glenn (M), Fashionist Bella (M)
B: KSM (M), Rocker Xan (105), Black Moon (80), Carol Edward (M), Pink Cony (80)

Phase I: Spam A team until you take the first tower. Bella and Glenn take first priority, followed by Vagabond Brown. Upgrade minerals to max during this time. If the enemy takes the second tower from the left before you take the first tower, use thunderstorm now - otherwise, use it after invincible runs out and before you use hellfire.

Phase II: When your front line is about to break, press freezer and throw in your B team. Follow up immediately (16 seconds later) with invincible. After invincible runs out, immediately use hellfire. Switch back to A team and spam until you win. Everyone in front of Clara will die, including everyone you called from your B team. Don't panic when this happens and keep pushing!

On some days, I only win 4/5 for IT6 because of bad timing in Phase I, but hopefully now that I've boosted both Clara and Cony on 2/16, this will change.

For IT5, I replaced Vagabond Brown with SoCo (M). 
Edit: I take it back, Vagabond works better.
Note: Almost everyone here can be obtained from stages :).
My upgrade levels:
Missile is finally pulling its weight!

Sally won't be getting her sunglasses for a long time.

I've shifted from upgrading minerals to upgrading the Sally missile, as I've noticed that my production rate is significantly faster than my combined ranger cool downs. If you can, try to lower the missile loading time, as Sally's missile can paralyze the enemy's front line for several seconds and is especially useful during the harder special stages. 

I also ended up feeding all of my Max Level Ups to Clara. I figured that she would be a permanent member of my team since she hits hard and has an awesome ability. If I had to replace a splasher, KSM would the first to go since he's the weakest one on my team. Plus, if I end up getting more Red Hood Claras, I'll master a second one for my B team :).

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Special Stage Drops, Week 2

The list continues! For added clarity, I've separated the rewards by planet.
Let's see if we can get another Vagabond Brown or Rocker Xan by the end of the week! 

Date: Stages Farmed: Notable Rewards
2/4: 456
     Golden Desert: Rangers Potion
     Magical Eye: Rangers Potion, Master James (6 Star), Max Level Up (6 Star)
2/5: 456
     Golden Desert: Rangers Potion x4
     Magical Eye: Rangers Potion x2, Master James (6 Star) x2
2/6: 456
     Golden Desert: NNR*
     Magical Eye: Rangers Potion x2, Clara (5 Star)
2/7: 456
     Magical Eye: Clara (5 Star) x2, Rangers Potion
     Golden Desert: Max Level Up (4 Star) x3, Max Level Up (5 Star) x2, Rocker Xan (6 Star)
2/8: 456
     Magical Eye: Rangers Potion x4
     Golden Desert: Rangers Potion
2/9: 456
     Golden Desert: Rangers Potion x2
     Magical Eye: Rangers Potion
2/10: 456
     Golden Desert: Trainee Brown (6 Star)
     Magical Eye: Master James (6 Star)

*NNR means no notable rewards. 

Comments: I gotta say, the special stage system is amazing! In two weeks, I've more than doubled the strength of my team - and hopefully others have seen something similar as well! 
I cheated a little and farmed Clara on Skyscraper.

Team name...hmm...Team Cosplay?

The rangers I look most forward to obtaining are probably Ice Brown and Masked James. Can't wait to see their skills in action!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Special Stage Drops, Week 1

A list of notable items I received while farming special stages 4, 5, and/or 6 (total 20-30 runs a day). This will hopefully convey a good idea of how easy it is to get particular items from these stages. Note: notable items include Max Level Ups, 5 or 6 star rangers, and Rangers potions.

Date: Stages Farmed: Notable Rewards
1/28: 456: Max Level Up (6 Star), Xan (6 Star), Rangers potion x3
1/29: 456: Trainee Brown (6 Star), Rangers potion
1/30: 456: Masked Moon (5 Star), Xan (6 Star), Rangers potion
1/31: 456: Max Level Up (6 Star), Rangers potion x4
2/1: 456: Masked Moon (5 Star), Trainee Brown (6 Star), Xan (6 Star)
2/2: 456: Trainee Brown (6 Star) x2, Xan (6 Star) x2, Rangers potion x2
2/3: 456: Lucifer Cony (5 Star), Max Level Up (6 Star), Rangers potion x3

Comments: So far, I've gotten every item at least once except for Clara (I got a Healer James (6 Star) and a Max Level Up (5 Star) a couple of days before I started taking records). Golden Desert seems to hand out significantly better rewards than Magical Eye.

After the first seven days, my inventory looks like this:
Looks like a balanced meal to me!

 I heard Sally likes fried chicken...

It'll be a while before I use these ingredients. Hope the inventory comes with a freezer!